Business Writing Guide


1. Business Emails


  1. Subject Line: Be clear and specific.

    • Example: “Meeting Request for Project Review – July 20th”
  2. Greeting: Address the recipient appropriately.

    • Example: “Dear Mr. Smith,” or “Hello Jane,”
  3. Opening Line: State the purpose of your email.

    • Example: “I hope this message finds you well. I am reaching out to schedule a meeting to review our project’s progress.”
  4. Body: Provide necessary details, keep it concise and to the point.

    • Example: “Could we arrange a time for a meeting on July 20th? I am available at 10 AM or 2 PM. Please let me know which time suits you best.”
  5. Closing Line: Summarize and provide a call to action.

    • Example: “I look forward to your response. Thank you for your time.”
  6. Sign-Off: Use a professional closing.

    • Example: “Best regards, [Your Name]”


  • Keep emails professional and courteous.
  • Proofread for grammar and clarity.
  • Avoid jargon unless it’s common knowledge for the recipient.

2. Business Reports


  1. Title Page: Includes the report title, your name, position, and date.

    • Example: “Quarterly Sales Report Q2 2024 | Jane Doe | Sales Manager | July 15, 2024”
  2. Executive Summary: Summarize the main points, findings, and recommendations.

    • Example: “This report provides an overview of the sales performance for Q2 2024, highlighting a 10% increase in revenue compared to Q1 and offering recommendations for further growth.”
  3. Introduction: State the report’s objectives.

    • Example: “The objective of this report is to evaluate the sales trends for Q2 and identify strategies for continued improvement.”
  4. Body: Present your findings, analysis, and discussion.

    • Example: “Sales increased by 10% due to successful marketing campaigns and new product launches. However, challenges included a decrease in customer retention.”
  5. Conclusion: Summarize findings and suggest next steps.

    • Example: “In conclusion, while the increase in revenue is promising, focusing on customer retention strategies will be essential for sustained growth.”
  6. Recommendations: Offer practical suggestions.

    • Example: “It is recommended that the marketing team invest in customer loyalty programs and explore new market opportunities.”
  7. Appendices: Include any supplementary materials.

    • Example: “Appendix A: Sales Data Tables, Appendix B: Survey Results”


  • Use clear headings and subheadings.
  • Be objective and use data to support your findings.
  • Ensure accuracy and provide evidence for recommendations.

3. Business Proposals


  1. Title Page: Includes proposal title, your name, company name, and date.

    • Example: “Proposal for New Marketing Strategy | Jane Doe | ABC Marketing Agency | July 15, 2024”
  2. Executive Summary: Brief overview of the proposal’s main points.

    • Example: “This proposal outlines a new marketing strategy designed to increase brand awareness and drive sales for XYZ Company over the next 12 months.”
  3. Problem Statement: Describe the problem or opportunity.

    • Example: “XYZ Company is facing declining brand awareness in the market, which has impacted sales.”
  4. Proposed Solution: Explain your proposed solution or strategy.

    • Example: “Our proposed solution involves a comprehensive digital marketing campaign focused on social media and targeted advertising.”
  5. Benefits: Outline the advantages of your proposal.

    • Example: “The proposed campaign will enhance brand visibility, engage potential customers, and increase sales.”
  6. Implementation Plan: Detail the steps for implementation.

    • Example: “Phase 1: Research and Strategy Development (July-August), Phase 2: Campaign Launch (September), Phase 3: Performance Monitoring (October-December).”
  7. Budget: Provide a detailed budget breakdown.

    • Example: “The total budget for the proposed campaign is $20,000, including costs for advertising, content creation, and analytics.”
  8. Conclusion: Summarize the proposal and include a call to action.

    • Example: “We are excited about the potential of this strategy and look forward to your approval to move forward with the implementation.”


  • Be clear and persuasive.
  • Highlight benefits and value.
  • Provide a detailed and realistic budget.

4. Business Letters


  1. Your Address and Date: Include your address at the top left.

    • Example: “123 Business St. | City, State, ZIP Code | July 15, 2024”
  2. Recipient’s Address: Below your address, aligned to the left.

    • Example: “Mr. John Smith | XYZ Corporation | 456 Market St. | City, State, ZIP Code”
  3. Salutation: Address the recipient formally.

    • Example: “Dear Mr. Smith,”
  4. Body: Clearly state the purpose of the letter.

    • Example: “I am writing to discuss the upcoming project deadline and request an extension due to unforeseen delays.”
  5. Closing: Summarize your request or the purpose of the letter.

    • Example: “I would appreciate your consideration of this request and look forward to your response.”
  6. Signature: Leave space for your signature, then type your name.

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